back issue Vol.143 Oct. 26. 2003
1週間ほど前に送られてきたアメリカのKaren's Booksという通販書店のリストで、"New Book"となっているものの中から、読者の皆さんの興味を引きそうなものを単なる宛推量で抽出してみました。
ALCO Century Series, Vol.1:Four-Axle Models 2003/12 $35.00
The American Locomotive Company:A Centennial Remembarance $69.95
Baltimore & Ohio Steamlocomotives:The Last 50 Years, 1928-1958 $29.95
Big Critters $34.95
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Electric Locomotives 2003/11 $14.95
General Electric Industrial Locomotives 1924-1978 2003/11 $29.95
Great Northern Pictorial, Vol.7:Faster Schedules-Great for freight $64.95
Illustrated Guide to Santa Fe HO Brass Steam Locomotives Models, 2nd Ed. $49.95
Official 2004 Locomotive Roster 2003/12 $26.95
Pacific Electric Railway, Vol.3:Southern District $39.95
Pennsylvania RR Passenger Trains, Consists & Cars:1952, Vol.1 2003/12 $39.95
Railroad Atlas of the United States in 1946, Vol.1:Mid-Atlantic States $65.00
Railway Prototype Cyclopedia, Vol.9 $24.95
Rio Grande Narrow Gauge Varnish, Colorado Rail Annual No.25 $54.95
Santa Fe Heritage, Vol.4 2003/11 $59.95
Scratchbuilders, Craftsmen and Narrow Gauge Buyers Guide, 2003 $9.95
Southern Pacific Historic Diesels, Vol.10 $29.95
Southern Pacific in Color, Vol.4: The Tunnel Motor Era $59.95
Steam Locomotives of the B&O RR Photo Archive $29.95
Tank Cars of the American Car & Foundry $65.95
Union Pacific Diesels in Color, Vol.1 $59.95
Union Pacific Prototype Locomotive Photo 4-8-4 Northern Vol.4,5,6 each $22.95
U.S. Railroad Traffic Atlas (New Edition) $28.00
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