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 久しぶりにメインライン・モデラー誌の出版元、Hundman社のサイトを訪れたら、新刊書の予告を見つけました。Stock Car Cyclopedia Volume Oneがそれで、発行は5月とのことです。

 私は、1970年以降に存在したBNが趣味の対象ですから、このストックカー=家畜車という車種には縁がないのですけれど、ちょうどDDA40X氏の「Giants of the West ---Union Pacific鉄道の機関車群をブラスで作る」にもCattle Carとして言及がありましたので、昔からの疑問を開陳しておきましょう。

 当然、時代によって変わってくると思います。家畜車の場合は、エサの手配と排泄物の処理が大変な上に、極寒・酷暑の時期や線区という訳にもいきません。一方、冷蔵車は冷却材の供給とか冷凍機の運営ですね。 広い彼の地のこと、どちらにしても中継基地とか通信体制とか、大変な労力と費用が掛かったはずです。

 ところで、BNの冷蔵車所有会社はWestern Fruit Express、UPとSPはPacific Fruit Expressで、共に“フルーツ”を謳っています。一方、Swift社とかArmour社は、ミートというイメージです。

Img407  左は、当方の所持している冷蔵車の写真集Refrigerator Car Color Guide ($59.95)で、2005年Morning Sun Books Inc.の出版です。各社の冷蔵車の姿はもちろんですけれど、冒頭8頁にある、氷塊を積み込む作業の様子は大変に貴重なものだと思います。


Hundman出版へのリンクが切れてしまいましたので、行きつけのKaren's Booksのそれを張っておきます。また、コメントを頂いたJackおじちゃんのブログに、GN子会社のウエスタン・フルーツ・エクスプレスが冷蔵車用の氷を湖から切り出す話があります。2008-11-02
2008-03-28 天然氷
2008-04-24 天然氷 その2
2008-05-07 天然氷 その3


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Western Fruit Expressは、グレートノーザン鉄道(!)の子会社として生まれました。皆様ご存知のことではありますが、当初の目的は、Wenatcheeのその名もアップルヤードからリンゴを運ぶことでした。当時(1911年以前)は、メカニカル冷蔵車になる前で、gngoatによりますと、天然氷も相当に使われていたそうで、グレートノーザン鉄道専用に氷を切り出す湖が結構あったそうです。

Daily Inter Lake
1911, 01 March: Great Northern Ice Harvest Ends

 Road puts up 3,700 cars this season, over entire system. The ice harvest for the Great Northern will end today with the arrival of the last train load of ice from Little Bitter Root lake this evening, and within a few days the ice crew of 50 men which has been engaged there for some time, will be withdrawn. Contractor J. H. Pifer, who now puts up all the ice for the Great Northern, stated today that this had been the best winter for cutting on the Little Bitter Root lake that he had ever known, owing to the fact that there was virtually no thawing, although the freeze was not so deep as it has often been, the greatest thickness being only 18 inches.
 Only 400 cars of ice were put up from the Bitter Root this season, Mr. Pifer stated, all of which has been packed on the Kalispell Division, as Loon lake about 40 miles north of Spokane has been found in good condition and has yielded most of the product, especially for the west. There are at present 12 crews packing ice at the various stations in the Kalispell division and some of them will be required to remain for some time putting away the last of the crop. The local houses will be packed probably tonight.
 "Three thousand, seven hundred cars of ice were put up on the entire system this year," said Mr. Pifer, "an increase of about 60 per cent over that being packed five years ago. Most of this increase has been in the western territory. Wenatchee for instance had only 300 tons packed five years ago, but this season we put up 8,000 tons there - this is due to the increasing fruit industry and other needs. Other stations west of Spokane show similar conditions. Five years ago the Great Northern was putting up only about half as much ice as the Northern Pacific but this year it put up nearly as much."
 This is the eighteenth year in which Mr. Pifer has been putting up ice for the Great Northern, and he said this morning that he still has on his farm at Larimor, N. D., and old black mare which he had on his first contract, and that she had been out every season but this year.
NOTE::: An increase from 300 tons to 8,000 tons in five years seems rather extreme. This makes me wonder if either the "300 tons" or "8,000 tons" is a typo. Does anyone know what the capacity was in Wenatchee for ice storage during this time frame? Kevin M.
"The no dust rock ballasted route to the coast"

投稿: Jackおじちゃん | 2007/05/01 20:47




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